Brain tumour clinical trial title

Imaging Hypoxia in Cerebral Tumours (Study ID: 20704)

Brain tumour type

Glioblastoma,  Glioma, 



This is a study which will involve patients with a recently discovered brain lesion compatible with diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and/or recurrent grade 3 glioma, two types of brain tumour with a very short survival. The level of oxygen within a tumour can influence how the tumour behaves and responds to treatment. It may be possible to identify tumour regions with low levels of oxygen (hypoxia) using imaging tests. This could help select patients with brain tumours that may benefit from changes to treatment, according to the levels of oxygen in the tumour. However, at the present time, no clinical imaging test is currently used in clinical setting for this purpose. Patients will be recruited at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (SRFT) and will undergo imaging examinations at the Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre (WMIC)-The University of Manchester for the evaluation of oxygen levels within the tumour a few days before having surgery at SRFT. At WMIC, patients will have two PET scans and, ideally, on the same day, an MRI. On the morning of the surgery, at SRFT, patients will receive a single oral dose of pimonidazole, a drug which helps find low levels of oxygen in the tumour. During the surgical procedure the neurosurgeon will collect small pieces of tumour. Oxygen measures obtained from the imaging examinations will be compared against analyses directly performed on the collected tumour pieces to verify whether the imaging tests can accurately measure the amount of oxygen within brain tumours.

Date added: 11th January 2019

Open/Closed: Open

Trial ends: October 2020


The University of Manchester

Contact details

Dr Natale Quartuccio :
Oxford Road

M13 9PL

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